Lucinda Ellery Reviews Give Ideas on What’s Causing Your Hair Loss

On average, an individual loses 50 to 200 hair strands each day. Indeed, people shed their hair every day; it only becomes a problem when it becomes excessive—and this can happen for various reasons. Reading online Lucinda Ellery reviews would be able to give you an idea of what could possibly be causing your increased hair loss.

Hormonal Imbalances

One of the primary causes of female hair loss is hormonal changes in a woman. These hormonal changes are categorized into two types: hereditary and temporary. Hereditary hormonal changes are genetic in nature; when women who’ve inherited female-pattern baldness reach a certain age, their bodily levels of androgens increases, thereby leading to hair loss.

Temporary hormonal changes are caused by a variety of conditions that can range from pregnancy to work stress. The great thing about this particular type of hormonal change is that once you’ve recovered from the imbalance, your hair will start growing back. So if you’re suffering from this type of change, it would be in your interest to get your hormones back on an even keel.

Medical Conditions

Detailed Lucinda Ellery reviews can point out several medical conditions that can cause hair loss. In general, excessive hair loss is medically termed as alopecia. There are several types of alopecia and your hair loss may be caused by one of them.

One of the most common types is alopecia areata. This happens when your immune system starts attacking your hair follicles. This causes bald patches on your scalp that have stopped growing hair. Thankfully, it is easily treated and many can proudly claim getting back their hair within two years.

Another type of alopecia is traction alopecia. This is caused by damage to the hair follicles. The main culprit for this is tight hairstyles that pull the hair a lot. If caught early, a different hairstyle can allow your follicles recover.


Medications can also result in excessive hair loss. Hair requires a healthy body to grow well and medications can cause imbalances that trigger hair loss. An excellent example of this is chemotherapy. The cancer treatment is meant to destroy rapidly dividing cells in a body—this unfortunately includes growing hair.

Another type of medication that can cause hair loss are blood thinners and anti-hypertensive drugs, which can reduce the amount of blood that your follicles receive—which means that they have less nutrients to grow hair. Fortunately, medications don’t damage your follicles, so once you’re off your meds, your hair will grow back.

About Lucinda Ellery Reviews

Lucinda Ellery and her team of dedicated staff have been providing professional hair extensions since 1984 and are the number one choice for celebrity hair.
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